Cancer Diagnosis Centers in Anand

Diabetes Mellitus & Sciatica

Diabetes causes diabetic neuropathy, which leads to nerve damage in the hands, legs, and feet. This causes similar symptoms in the legs to sciatica, but sciatic pain is only from damage or inflammation in the sciatic nerve.

Neuropathy from diabetes also occurs over time, where sciatic pain can come on suddenly.

Anand is the business center point of Gujarat not far-removed from its capital Gandhinagar. It is very much associated by Rail, Road and Air and has incredible number of guest for business, instruction and clinical offices.

If your pain doesn’t subside over several months, even with conservative treatments, our doctors may suggest surgical intervention. This type of surgery may involve removing part of the disc that’s causing compression of the nerve.

Our doctors may also conclude that your symptoms are originating from high blood sugar. In this case, getting your blood sugar under control is one of the best things you can do to stop the neuropathy from progressing.

  • Primary Care

    Primary care is the day-to-day healthcare given by a health care provider.

  • Lab Test

    This test may be done when you are admitted to the hospital.

  • Symptom Check

    Find possible causes of symptoms in children and adults.

  • Heart Rate

    Heart Rate at Hospital Discharge in Patients With Heart Failure Is Associated With Mortality and Rehospitalization.

Child Development Clinics in Anand